Pierre Guermonprez

Habilitation à diriger des Recherches Université de Paris,
Research Director at CNRS

Pierre Guermonprez is trained as a life science engineer (Agro). Pierre Guermonprez obtained his PhD at Pasteur Institute in 2000 and became a staff scientist at CNRS in 2004. Pierre Guermonprez performed his postdoctoral training under the supervision of Sebastian Amigorena at Curie Institute in Paris and Michel Nussenzweig at Rockefeller University in New York.

Pierre Guermonprez has been group leader and faculty at King’s College London, U.K. from 2012 to 2020 and group leader at University of Paris Medical School, INSERMu1149 up to 2023.

Pierre Guermonprez has investigated various aspects of dendritic cell biology including development, antigen presentation to T cells and their role in immune responses against cancer and infections.